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Hymn: The crumbs that spoke of broken bread
Hymn: The crumbs that spoke of broken bread
by Andrew Pratt
The crumbs that spoke of broken bread, remembered words that had been said, the scattered fragments of a meal had left them thinking, 'was this real'. His flesh was torn, yes crucified, it left them wond'ring, had he lied, yet in another upper room, he'd share again beyond that t…
Hymn: Confounding the people, confusing the clever
Hymn: Confounding the people, confusing the clever
by Andrew Pratt
Confounding the people, confusing the clever, Christ spoke of his flesh as like bread, bringing grace. And now we assemble, re-member that moment: break bread, pour out wine in our time in the place. Verses 2- 3 follow Tune: ST CATHERINE’S COURT Metre: Andrew Prat…
5 results